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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Svengali- The Novel Part Three

Svengali Part 3- The Novel Aftermath

Svengali drove the car not sure of his destination but he knew he was in trouble and needed a place to think. His apartment was no good and hadn't been in a long time. It reminded him too much of her, every square fucking inch. The bed where they made love and the bed that later became his prison. No he needed to go somewhere. But where? He then saw something that caught his eye. A letter addressed to the dead girl. Of course he thought I will take her back to her place , she told him at the bar she had no roommates so her place would be unoccupied. Well at least he knew what to do next, hopefully he would also figure out how to get out of this mess. As he drove the scent of the corpse was not of the rotting flesh or blood but it was her perfume. "That fucking perfume." he muttered " Daisy' perfume." He had no idea if this was some sort of sign but did not want to think about it now. He already had to much on his mind. Hours later he approached her town. "Christ" he thought " Where the fuck does she live the Mohave Desert?" He approached a sign that read "Valley Gomorrah Population 667". It was a desert town with hardly any sign of any vegetation except dead trees and tumbleweeds. The road was scattered with road kill that the Detective winced at when he got a glimpse. Funny he thought I have a body who was hacked to death in the back but the site of a dead rabbit makes me sick. He looked for any sign of civilization but the desert road seemed endless. He approached a giant hill and was worried that the car would not make it up it until finally he reached the top and saw at last the town below the Valley.. Well town would of been to kind of a word. It was more like a shanty town with dirt roads and hundreds of track homes. There were only a few buildings who seemed to be barely holding up. It wasn't until he went down the hill that he noticed that they were strip joints. That was it. Three strip Clubs, a sex arcade, a liquor store and a Church. "Well" he thought " I guess that is some sort of balance." He had no time to site see his goal was to find the girls home and then think of what to do next. He drove up the road a few blocks from the main town and entered a rusted gate with a sign proclaiming "Home Sweet Valley Gomorrah Homes." "Charming" he said to himself as he drove past the decaying rusted track homes which lined the road. Half dying dogs walked aimlessly in the intense Sun. Obese Women wearing bras and panties sat in lawn chairs batting off flies. Rusted cars and cheap plastic baby pools seemed to be the popular home decorations. He reached the girls trailer which was the last one on the block. He jumped out of the car and carried the body hoping to get inside before anyone noticed. But he was not fast enough.
"What'cha doing thar Mister?" a woman's hoarse voiced asked
"Oh I am just helping my friend back to her place..We had a little too much to drink last night and I am taking care of her." The nervous Detective replied.
"Oh Shit Mister! Amber Ann Ellen May can take care of herself. She puts the party in Animal!"
Did I really sleep with a woman named Amber Ann Ellen May he thought to himself.
"Just put her in bed and she will sleep it off..damn what did you drink she looks dead to the World."
How right she was the Detective thought. He opened the door which was thankfully locked and immediately threw her on her bed and placed a sheet over her. Not sooner did he do this but the voice returned.
"Oh sorry I just let myself in. Hope you don't mind Amber and I are like sisters although I be the younger one." At this she started to laugh and then coughed up as if she at a giant hairball which seemed to be for an eternity. She then spat out a giant green mass of phlegm and spat it on the floor.
Svengali's eyes froze at the sight of the  phlegm with a look of utter disgust which got the woman's attention.
"Oh shit that aint nothing." she said " You should see what comes out of my pussy!"
"Oh that is okay." he responded as he led her out of the trailer.
Because his main concern was getting Amber into the house he had barely noticed the woman he had been speaking to.
She was 5-1 skinny as a rail. She must of been at least in her mid fifties but had no way of knowing for sure.  Hair bleached orange and she had dark leathery skin which reminded him of a baseball mitt cracked and dried. Her lips were chapped with giant white build up on the sides. She had a tube top on and breast like two skinny bananas which dropped down below the top to her waist and were both tucked into her cut off short's pockets. While looking at her his mouth dropped which once again made her notice.
"You look any more it is gonna cost you handsome." She winked
"No that is quite all right" he said
"Suit yerself" she said as she lit up a cigarette "So you gonna hang around for awhile?"
"Planning on it"
"Good I can show you around if you want."
" no it is quite okay I was just going to get something to eat."
"Then follow me Mister they are having an all you can eat buffet at the Rusty Trombone. That's the strip club I work at."
"Oh I think I will be okay."
"Nonsense your coming with me and we are gonna get some grub."
He reluctantly followed her into the town. She talked endlessly but he was not paying attention until he saw something shocking.
"What the hell is that?" He shouted
"Oh dincha no?" She said nonchalantly "It is Good Friday."
"But! But! What is that?" he pointed
"Like I said hun. It is Good Friday. We be religious folks here."
Svengali wiped his eyes in disbelief and then he looked again. On a small hill was a man crucified on a cross which was upside down. There were people poorly costumed in black robes mocking him.
"We do a passion play every year this is just a practice for our Sunday spectacular. He is one of our town folks. He is acting hun aint real. He be Jesus H. Christ. I told you we were religious folks."
"But he is hanging upside down." Svengali said
""Um we are simple folk also I guess nobody did their research properly. Come on hun let's go I can practically taste those rabbit wings now." She said
She walked in a faster pace and the Detective saw that one of her breast slipped from her short's pocket and sway to and fro by her side. And above her back was a tattoo that read "trampp stamp"


  1. I really didnt look forward to coming in to work tonight, this was a nice surprise, keep em coming <3

  2. This is great fucking stuff!!!! When's the next chapter John?!! Very descriptive & I can almost see where it's leading.
